

WHEREAS the family remains the God-ordained mainstay of society, as well as the center of intimacy and commitment for significant, ongoing relationships, and
WHEREAS many alternative lifestyles are replacing traditional family structures and roles in numerous cultures throughout the world, and

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Prayer and Concern for the Eastern Part of Europe and the Soviet Union

THANKFUL to God for the positive changes that have taken place in Eastern Europe and the whole of the Soviet Union, including the increasing freedom experienced in many aspects of the life of these nations,
THANKFUL particularly for those places where greater freedom of religion has been evidenced and new opportunities for evangelization and theological education have been made possible,

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Middle East Situation

THANKFUL TO Almighty God for the cessation of open war in Kuwait and Iraq,
MINDFUL of the tragic aftermath of such hostilities in terms not only of loss of life but also of the appalling social and economic conditions prevailing in the Gulf and the long-term threat to the environment caused by oil pollution in both sea and air,

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BMS Bicentenary

The founding of the society to promote overseas missions marked the point at which the missionary awakening stimulated by the evangelical revival of the eighteenth century first attained effective institutional expression alerting not only Baptist but the whole of evangelical Christendom to a world-wide vision;

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